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Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Mysterious Texts Collection

The Codex Seraphinianus

Written kira2 1976 and 1978 by Italian artist Luigi Serafini, is nothing if not deliberate to create something mysterious. This book is said to be the encyclopedia an imaginary planet, complete with maps and drawings of plant and animal life. Most interestingly, Serafini wrote his book in a hypothetical language that world. Altogether arranged in alphabetical strange that still has not translated even after in-depth studies by linguists. Because the text itself can not be read, the Codex has become the most famous works of art Serafini, who range from surreal and beautiful. One page describes the fruit that seems to bleed, while another showed fish that is shaped like a flying saucer. In one of the most famous picture book (it's already closing in tsb edition), a series of panels depicting a naked man and woman slowly turned into a crocodile.

Mysterious Texts Collection

Possible Explanation:
Theories abound as what is the secret of the Codex Seraphinianus actually, but Serafini remained silent on the meaning of the book since its release in early '80s.

The Beale ciphers

The story behind the Beale ciphers, which has thwarted candidate for code-breaking more than 100 years, is a type of ancient treasure buried under Hollywood. The story begins in Virginia in 1820, when a man named Thomas Beale should we trust a box containing three pages of text in the code to an inn, with instructions that the box will only be opened if Beale did not return for the claim within ten years. Beale then disappeared without a trace, and the innkeeper named Robert Morriss, then spent several years trying to decode the page. One of them finally cracked by a friend Morriss', which uses the Declaration of Independence as a key. It was then known that the page was a map to the location of a cache of buried treasure. According to the documents, Beale and a few feet have been found thousands of pounds of gold and silver in New Mexico and then buried in Bedford County, VA. Unfortunately, Morriss and his friend could not decode the two other pages, which gives the exact location and the names of property owners, and curious about the encryption method Beale has managed to confuse anyone trying to understand it since.

Mysterious Texts Collection

Possible Explanation
The Beale ciphers since become valuable hartakarun (hundreds of candidates for treasure hunters were arrested for trespassing at the Bedford County), but gold and jewelry Beale was never found. Many since claimed that the password is nothing but an elaborate joke, and many stories like kata2-specific detail in the document that are not in popular use until years later. However, this has not stopped people from trying to unlock the secrets Beale, mainly because of the treasure will now be worth about $ 40 million.

The Liber Linteus

The Linteus Liber is an ancient text that return back to the days of Etruria, the culture that developed in Italy in the years before the emergence of the Roman Empire. In addition to being one of the oldest and longest Etruscan documents, which Linteus Liber is also famous for being the only known example of a book made of linen. Even more interesting than the document itself is the context of the invention. After the fall of Etruria, their cultural artifacts such as Liber Linteus stop holding any meaning to Rome. What they do not care, though, is the linen cloth that the book was written. This is because after the Romans conquered Egypt, many of them began to embrace habits of mummification, the body needs wrapped in a cloth. Through practice that Linteus Liber, which may be regarded as a useless artifact, eventually used as a wrapper for the funeral for the wife of a tailor's mummified body of Egypt. This is the same mummified corpse purchased hundreds of years later by wealthy Croats, who intended to use them as wall hangings. After his death in the 1800s, the mummy was donated to the museum, and only then is the cultural meaning of Linteus Liber realized.

Possible Explanation
Overall, the Liber Linteus consists of 230 lines of text of some 1,200 words. Very little is known today about the Etruscan language, and therefore the document that has not been fully translated. But based on their limited knowledge, experts have determined that most likely Linteus Liber calendar depicting Etruscan religious rites.

The Book of Soyga

Medieval text produced their share of strange, but maybe not the same as mysterious as the Book of Soyga, a book on magic and the paranormal which contains the parts that have not been translated by scholars. The book is well known as it relates to John Dee, a thinker, noted Elizabethan era, famous for mencoba2 the occult. In the 1500s, Dee said to be the owner of one copy of the book, and he allegedly became obsessed with open secret, especially a series of encrypted tables that Dee believes holds the key to some kind of esoteric spiritual knowledge. This is not an easy task, as the author of a book that is not known to have used a number of tricks typo, including the writing of certain words and coding of scripts others in mathematics. Dee became so fixated on cracking the code that he even traveled to Europe to meet with renowned spiritual medium called Edward Kelley. Through Kelley, Dee claimed to have contacted the angel Uriel, who he claims to say that the origins of the book dates back to the Garden of Eden.

Mysterious Texts Collection

Possible Explanation
Unfortunately, Dee was not able to finish decoding the mysteries of the Book Soyga before his death. The book itself, although known to have existed, believed lost until 1994, when two copies were discovered again in Britain. Scholars have since studied the book, and one of them is able to translate some tables that have so fascinated Dee. However, this book was most likely related to Kabbalah, a mystical Jewish sect, researchers have yet to decipher the real significance of this book.

The Rohonc Codex

One document that has proved resistant to any kind of translation or explanation that is consistent is the Codex Rohonc, a century-old book that is said to have emerged in Hungary think in 1700. Codex consists of 448 pages of text, all written in a language that is still unknown. Scholars argue that it could be anything from scratch Hungary into Hindi, but does not have many features that stand out from one language. In addition, alphabetic characters more features than the primary language outside of China. Perhaps even more interesting than the text of the Codex Rohonc is 87 illustrations that accompany it. It describes everything from landscapes to military combat, but they also use religious iconography unique to a number of different religions, including Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam. This would indicate that whatever culture the document described it, the various existing religions simultaneously.

Mysterious Texts Collection

Possible Explanation
There are some partial translations of the Codex Rohonc, each with its own unique results. One expert stated the document into religious texts, while others say it is the history of the Vlachs, Latin culture that once flourished in modern Romania. But perhaps the most popular on the document of origin is that it is a hoax made by Samuel Literati Nemes, a famous forger of the mid-1800s. This idea has been often disputed, but even if they have managed to prove that the text of the Codex is not just nonsense, modern scholars have been unable to prove the theory of forgery.


Rongorongo not so much the text as it is a series of artefacts. The name refers to the writing system that originated in the state piktografik small island Rapa Nui, also known as Easter Island. Some examples of Rongorongo imaginable, beyond some wood carvings and stone tablets, but it remains one of the greatest mysteries that remain unresolved in the linguistic world. This is because the sheer isolation of Easter Island meaning that Rongorongo would have been made without the influence of other languages, a feature that gives scientists a unique opportunity to learn how to write first appeared. Like Egyptian hieroglyphics, Rongorongo is piktografik in nature, consisting of a series of symbols. Simbol2 itself regarded as a key for the script was first discovered, because they include certain plants and animals that will only prevalent on Easter Island in the era before the discovery by Europeans in the 1700s.

Mysterious Texts Collection

Possible Explanation
Although many studies, scientists have been able to translate Rongorongo one writing system. In fact, very little is known about it that some argue that not writing at all, but rather a type of decorative art. The discovery of tablets which describe the lunar calendar seems to prove this theory wrong, but until the symbol Rongorongo fully translated, very little will be known about them for sure.


Artist Jim Sanborn's Kryptos sculpture is not in the form of documents, but included here because the text written on it has created a mystery that even the best code-breakers at the CIA was not able to unravel. the statue was commissioned by the CIA as a monument to the work of intelligence gathering that made the famous agent, and was installed at their headquarters in Langley, VA in 1990. Rather than simply create a beautiful work of art, Sanborn took things a step further. He collaborated with Ed Scheidt, a top CIA cryptographers, and written a series of code letters and question marks on the statue that resembles a roll. The code consists of 869 characters, and can be divided into four separate sections, each of which allegedly partial key to answer the other. Together they serve as building blocks of Sanborn calls "the puzzle within a puzzle" that can only be solved by using sophisticated decoding techniques.

Mysterious Texts Collection

Possible Explanation
Sanborn and Scheidt cipher has since become an obsession for amateur and professional cryptographers same. Members of the CIA and NSA have all tried their hand at cracking it, and there is even an online group devoted to it which has thousands of members. Twenty years later, the fans have successfully cracked three of the four parts of the pass, but the fourth and most important continue to have them confused. Sanborn suggests that the contents of the other includes three parts which provide longitude and latitude of a point 200 feet southeast of the statue and quotations related to Howard Carter's discovery of Tutankhamen's tomb-offer the best clues. In yet, though, nobody has managed to get to the bottom of the mystery.

The Voynich Manuscript

Of all the strange and mysterious texts that have been discovered over the years, perhaps none as famous as the Voynich manuscript, a book written by an anonymous author in an unknown language that confuses almost every kryptografer has ever tried to translate it. From what the investigators were able to find, the text of the 15th century was part of a Jesuit library in the 1800s, and from there through several hands before falling to belong to a book store named Wilfrid Voynich Poland in 1909. After Voynich's death, the manuscript became the subject of fascination for linguists and cryptographers, many of whom spent years studying the mysterious language and alphabet books. There are many theories about the Voynich manuscript text, including that some kind of preprogrammed puzzles that it was written in a language that until now has not been found, which is intended to be read under a microscope, and even some kind of divinely inspired religious documents written in a trance. But this is all just theory, and even after some fifty years of examination by the code-breakers of the world \, nothing is known with certainty. pictures of plants and bulbs from the jar on the margins of books have made a lot of people claim that it must be manually in medicine or chemistry, but is also only conjecture.

Mysterious Texts Collection

Possible Explanation
Because it has proven highly resistant to translation, Voynich manuscript would have been regarded by many as a hoax. Critics of this theory argue that the book was too advanced syntax been falsified, but others have shown that the technology of time-especially an encoding called "Cardan Grille"-will make it possible for someone to make the Voynich as a hoax. However, none of these arguments have been fully convinced Voynich scholars, who either want or do not want to admit that the documents were probably fake. Carbon recently proved that the manuscript is dated back to the 1400s, but beyond that the origin and purpose still remains a puzzle.

The Urantia Book

Urantia Book is a pseudo-religious texts that claim to "expand cosmic consciousness and enhance spiritual perception" through discussions of philosophy, cosmology, and life of Jesus. The book allegedly originated in Chicago, Illinois guess at the beginning of the century to the mid-twentieth centuries, and today has become such a phenomenon itself, because it inspired many to learn and even a foundation that seeks to promote the book and its teachings. Text of more than 2,000-page has no known author, and story of origin is very strange: in 1925, a doctor named William Sadler (pictured above) should come in contact with sick people who often drift off into trance and speaking in a loud voice length. Sadler and a stenographer recorded the monologue, which claimed the doctor then added to by some kind of heaven, supernatural process. Urantia Book shares many common characteristics suspected by the great religions, especially Christianity, but also spent much time discussing the scientific theories. Most important is the description of a book about the geography of the universe, which is divided into "superuniverses" and the universe "local," which is said to consist of planets inhabited by about 1,000.

Mysterious Texts Collection

Possible Explanation
This all may sound like science fiction, and indeed the idea that the Urantia Book is a clever piece of literature is the popular explanation of the mystery behind it. Skeptics, among them science writer Martin Gardner, argued that Sadler and a group of trust are likely to make his own book about the 1920's. Recent studies, including an essay that claims the Book of Urantia traced a number of academic texts on religion, seems to back this statement, but no definitive proof yet that really behind it.

The Gnostic Gospels

Also known as the Nag Hammadi library, the Gnostic Gospels are a collection of leather-bound books that go back to the 4th century. They form the main text of Gnosticism, a branch of Christianity that exist around the time of the 2nd century, which is said to adherents believe that true salvation comes through self-knowledge and understanding of a reality "higher." The Gnostic Gospels, which features such as the "Gospel of Thomas," "Gospel of Mary," and even "The Gospel of Judas," was discovered in 1945 by a farmer at Nag Hammadi, Egypt. They have been buried in the protective save a few centuries earlier, most likely a priest, hoping to hide them from the orthodox Christian church, which considers the Gnostics as heretics. The books through different owners, at one point even being sold on the black market, and not until the 1970s that they were finally translated into English. They've made a philosophical text to be popular, and even prominent in several different films and novels.

Mysterious Texts Collection

Possible Explanation
Unlike some other entries in this trit, scholars generally understand the Gnostic Gospels, and the texts have been successfully translated into several languages. However, books are important because they hold a place here to help develop the study and history of Gnosticism as a system of belief. More importantly, the discovery of ancient texts that claim to offer a background story that has not been found previously about Jesus has sparked a fierce debate among religious and academic. Some people claim that books are not more than fabricating false, while others argue that the Gnostic Gospels should be considered with the same terms with the Bible.
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